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Your Sucess Begins With

Planning Your Luxe Life

What You Exactly Get

Planners to fill out 

 that you can use forever

⃟1 Yearly Planner

⃟2 Monthly Planners

⃟1 Weekly Planner

⃟1 Daily Planner

These planners can be used forever as you write in the dates.

They are also designed to specifically achieve long term goals. 

Step by Step Guidance on how to

⃟Plan your Years

⃟Plan your Months

⃟Plan your Weeks

⃟Plan your Days

to actually and finally achieve all your goals. 

This system is proved and gives you 100% results if you use it and stay consistent. 

Support in a Group just for students

We will have a support group in the course, where you can ask any questions.

And I'll support you 1:1 in there.

So you have life-time access to me as a coach when it comes to your goals and your planing!

What it looks like

Screenshot 2020-04-21 at 11.11.59.png

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal:

It is the courage to continue that counts.”

And always remember:


Join "The Plan your Luxe Life" - Mini-Course now to finally achieve your wildest dreams.

The Planners that will  change your life

These Planners will absolutly change the way you plan your day, week, month and year. 

They are designed to achieve long term success. 

You don't wanna miss to get this for less then 20$ (prices will go up))

Hi I am Tamina

I’m Tamina, founder of The Luxe Life Collective

I’m also the owner of a dropshipping store, I trade with cryptocurrencies, love dinosaurs and I went from broke to debt-free in less than a year.

Okay, I know that last phrase really got your attention. Wondering how I did it? 


Imma share it all with you! 


3 years ago I realized that I can't continue my broke money situation and decided to change that. Since then I took many many courses and had many coaches but nothing really made my situation better.


Then 1 year ago, after someone hacked my bank account and stole all the money I had left (which wasn't a lot but still my last money), I decided once and for all make a change and to live debt-free and be abundant as f***.

I adopted all the strategies I learned in the past few years in my life, by doing so I was able to land a very good paid job, got a loan from the bank so I can have all my debts in 1 place and start 3 side hustles that brought me extra money.

And yeah, guess what, I decided my life to becoming an expert solving this for others quicker and simpler than I had to. 


That's why I give you the chance to plan your Luxe Life exactly how I did it. And I guarantee you that you will have the same success!

If you sign up now I'll give you some amazing Bonuses

1. Productivity Wheel - to see where your time really goes

2. LLC Goal Planner - get an extra goal planner that is perfect to plan projects


Sign up now and get

some juicy Bonuses

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