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It Is Not You ... It Is Me ... Why I Travel Solo

In this Blogpost I want to share with you why I decided and why I love to travel solo.


✈︎ It pushes me out of my comfort zone

Why would I want that? Because nothing grows in a comfort zone. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

✈︎ It pushes me out of the zone of other expectations

Leaving my "home" was the best decision I have ever made. Of course, I am in contact with my best friends but I am so busy traveling that I can not keep up with the gossip and all the talking behind my back. I just don't care about other peoples opinion anymore. ⠀

✈︎ I suck at small talk

Honestly, I don't like to talk much at all, except you want to talk about traveling, mindest or life purpose. I'm really not a chatty girl, I don't like gossip and I need to put a lot of energy in staying kind if someone is talking about b***s*** topics 🙈. So, traveling solo gives me the freedom to take time on my own whenever I want.

✈︎ I meet a lot more people

This sounds kind of contradictory, but I like to meet new people. People who are interesting and interest in the same thing as me. People who make me feel I'm not alone with my way of living. And especially people from different cultures who can teach me new perspectives on life. ⠀

✈︎ I can change plans all the time

Pretty obvious isn't it? I don't have to plan months ahead and I can change plans instantly. I want to go to Mexico next week, but maybe all end up in Las Vegas, who knows 😁

✈︎ I can see what "me" really looks like

This is the biggest reason why I travel solo. I'm not in a social group. I'm in many different social groups but not all the time with the same people. And that gives me the freedom to be unapologetically myself. If you are always with the same people they influence you heavily. And you don't even realize it, but no one can escape that, we are all influenced by our soundings. ⠀


I could come up with 1 Million other reasons why I love it, but that's enough for today. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

So if you have the chance, travel solo at least once in your life!

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